All State Exhibit Information and Registration

Exhibitors Agreement

All State Exhibitor Agreement The Association agrees to furnish a table and two (2) chairs in the display area and to provide two (2) identification badges to be worn by the exhibitors. The Association further agrees to provide time in the Festival schedule of events for visits to the exhibits and to actively encourage attendance at the exhibits. The Association will provide an area for exhibits which can be secured during hours other than exhibit hours. Please see the Exhibitor Guide for all details concerning what is included with the booth and what extras you may order from the Convention Center. Please return to: Doug Farris ABA 3227 Sweetbriar Rd SW Decatur, AL 35603

This agreement is made between the Alabama Bandmasters Association, hereafter called the Association, and Exhibitor listed here, hereafter called the exhibitor. This agreement is to cover exhibits at the Alabama All-State Band Festival located Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center on April 9-12, 2025.
Electricity Needed(Required)
Please check here if electricity will be ordered from the Convention Center.
Price: $300.00
The exhibitor agrees to pay $300.00 per booth space and to man the booth during all exhibit hours.
Price: $100.00
The exhibitor agrees to pay $400.00 per booth space and to man the booth during all exhibit hours.
Exhibitor's Name(Required)
Additional Exhibitors
Please add additional exhibitors that will need name tags. Add more by clicking the plus sign

Arthur R Outlaw Conference Center Exhibitor Guide