Composer/Arranger Composition Publisher Instrument
Walker, G. Four Sketches for Solo Alto Sax (unaccp) (play mvts 1,2, & 3 or 4 MMP Alto Saxophone
Warzineck—Leeuwen, A. Thema Met Variaties HE Baritone
Wasson, S. Two Pieces for Unaccp Bass Clar #2 (printed Shall Bass Clarinet
Waterhouse, W. – arr by Bassoon Solos Vol II (any one) Ches - (MMB) Bassoon
Watson Sonatina for Trombone (all three mvts) Shaw Trombone
Watson, W. Recital Suite for Marimba (w/piano) MFP - (Ply) Mallet Perc.
Watterson, J. Concert-Stuck Souvenir de Donizetti Nova - (ECS) Bassoon
Weber Concerto in F Op 75 Vivace Bassoon
Weber Ungarische Fantasie Op 35 CB - (CF) Bassoon
Weber Concerto No I in F Minor Vivace Bb Clarinet
Weber-Kovar Concertino in Eb Major Op 26 Int Bassoon
Weber-Sehoenbach Concerto for Bassoon (1st or 3rd mvt) CB - (CF) Bassoon
Weber-Voxman Rondo, from Concerto for Bassoon Ru - (HL) Bassoon
Weber, A Strophes (play to 7 or from 4) (C trpt) Led Cornet
Weber, A. Sonatine Breve (play 1st or 3rd mvt) Led Cornet
Weber, A. Palindromes (play any one) (some tenor & treble clef) Led Bassoon
Weber, A. Prelude, Fugue et Final (w/piano) (prelude only) Led Timpani
Weber, A. Recitatif et Dialogue (play to or from Allegro) Led Double Bass
Weber, A. Allegro (some tenor clef) (orch accp avail) Led Trombone
Weber, A. Soliloque (bass trombone) Led Trombone