Composer/Arranger Composition Publisher Instrument
Strauss, R. Concerto Op 11 (Allegro or Rondo) CB - (CF) French Horn
Stravinsky, I. Three Pieces (unaccp) (any two) Ches- (MMB) Bb Clarinet
Street, W. Swinging Down the Street CF Snare drum or Multiple perc.
Stringfield Mountain Dawn EdM Flute
Stucky, Steven Notturno Mer - (TP) Alto Saxophone
Succari, Dia Il Est Raconte (play to on from 50) Led Alto Saxophone
Sutermeister, Heinrich Capriccio (unaccp) (pgs 2-3 or 4-5) Sch - (EA) Bb Clarinet
Sutermeister, Heinrich Gavotte De Concert (Bb or C Trpt) dH - (BH) Cornet
Sydeman, W. Affections (C Trumpet) (any four) AMP- (HL) Cornet
Sydeman, W. For Double Bass Alone (any mvt) M&M Double Bass
Taffanel, P. Andante Pastoral Int Flute
Taffanel, P. – Bennett. S .M. Grande Fantasie (On Themes from Mignon) (to or from 224) So Flute
Taffanel, P. – Ephross, A. Fantaisie (On Themes from “Der Freischutz”) So Flute
Taffanel, P. – Moyse, M. Fantasie su Ie Freyschutz Zalo - ( Alf) Flute
Tafflanel, P. (5) Andante Pastoral “Andante Pastoral and Scherzettino" So Flute
Tagawa, R. Inspiration Diabolique WIM Snare drum or Multiple perc.
Takatsugu Muramatsu Land Yano Music Publishing Mallet Perc.
Taktakishvili, 0. – Moyse. L. Sonata (omit 2nd mvt) AMP - (HL) Flute
Tansman, Alexandre Sonatine pour Bassoon et Piano Bassoon
Taranu, C. Improvisation (unacep) Led Bb Clarinet