Composer/Arranger Composition Publisher Instrument
Bach – Nanny, E. Courante from 6th Suite (some tenor clef) Led Double Bass
Bach – Sargent, G. Allemande and Courantc (unaccp) Shall Bb Clarinet
Bach – Sterling Cello Suites No 1. 2 or 3 (play either Menuet from 1, Sarabande from 2 or Bouree from 3) Pet Double Bass
Bach – Tustin, W. (5) Aria from St. Matthews Passion GS - (HL) Oboe
Bach – Ukens, T. Suite No 1 in E Minor (any two mvts) So Mallet Perc.
Bach – Zimmerman Aria from Suite No 3 Int Double Bass
Bach – Zimmerman Recitative Accura Double Bass
Bach-Bell Air and Bouree CF Tuba
Bach-Bixby-Bobo Bach for the Tuba Vol 1 (unaccp) (any three) WIM Tuba
Bach-Bixby-Bobo Bach for the Tuba Vol II (unaccp) (any three pages) WIM Tuba
Bach-Cazden, N. Siciliano JS - (Ply) Bassoon
Bach-Gisondi, M. Bach for the Trumpet (unaccp) (any three mvts) M&M Cornet
Bach-Kaspryk, J. Suite No I in G Major (unaccp) (pg 2-3, 4-5 or 6-7) So Baritone Saxophone
Bach-Kaspryk, J. Suite No 3 in A Major (unaccp) (pg 2-3, 4, 5-6 or 7-8) So Baritone Saxophone
Bach-Kaspryk, J. Suite No 4 (unaccp) (pg 2-4 or 5-8) So Baritone Saxophone
Bach-Moyse, L. Sme Sonate (play mvts 1 & 2. or 3 & 4) Led Flute
Bach-Moyse, L. Ire Sonate (play 1st or 3rd & 4th mvts) Led Flute
Bach-Moyse., L. Sonata (suite) (unaccp) (any two mvts) GS — (HL) Flute
Bach-Mule, M. Allegro (from 1st Flute Sonata) Led Alto Saxophone
Bach-Mule, M. Sonata No 6 (omit repeats) Led Alto Saxophone