ABA Officer Elections

Bylaws section dealing with elections

Article VI. Officers 

Section 1. 

a. The officers of the Alabama Bandmasters Association shall be a President, a Vice President (President-Elect), Recording  Secretary, Jazz Education Chairman, and Jazz Education Vice-Chairman (Chairman-Elect). Officers shall be elected at the  AMEA Inservice Conference and shall assume the duties of office June 1. 

b. The term of office for the President, Vice-President (President-Elect), Recording Secretary, Jazz Chairman, and Jazz  Vice-Chairman (Chairman-Elect) shall be two (2) years or until their successors have been elected. The term of office for  the President, Vice President (President-Elect), Recording Secretary, Jazz Education Chairman, and Jazz Education Vice Chairman (Chairman-Elect) shall begin on June 1 of odd numbered years. The Recording secretary may run to succeed him or herself. 

Section 2. 

A nominating committee will be appointed by the President and the Board of Directors at the final June meeting of even numbered years. This committe will consist of four active members of the ABA, one member from Districts 1 and 2, one member  from Districts 3 and 4, one member from Districts 5 and 6, and one member from Districts 7 and 8. This committee will select  two candidates for the office of Vice-President (President-Elect), two candidates for the office of Recording Secretary, and two candidates for the office of Jazz Education Vice-Chairman (Chairman-Elect), and shall submit their report to the ABA general  membership by January 1 of odd numbered years. Nominations from the floor shall also be accepted at the first general  meeting at the AMEA conference. Elections for these offices will take place at the second general membership meeting at the  AMEA conference of odd numbered years.

Nominating Committee

Corinth Lewis – corinth.lewis@trussvillecityschools.com

Dakota Bromley – dlbromley@chiltonboe.com

Jonathan Chance – jchance@pikecountyschools.com

Jonathon Steinman – jbsteinman@blountboe.net

Click on the name for their full biography

President Elect Nominees

Recording Secretary Nominees

Jazz Chair Elect Nominees